Science Geeks Rule the Business World & Here Is Why

A geek, basically, is someone who is fascinated by things far more than the average person. And yes, that’s pretty geeky. We’re all familiar with the stereotype: intelligent but overly awkward, unpopular, unattractive, and the butt of many jokes for their unique outfits. Yes, they’re awkward and love to occupy their time learning about unusual stuff, but if anybody moves the world forward, it’s the nerds. 

Choose any subject – technology, cryptocurrency, politics, marketing, it doesn’t matter – and see who is dominating the conversation online, see who is receiving the lion’s share of the attention. 

Chances are, it’s a geek getting all the love. The online world rewards nerdish behavior. Which means so does the rest of the world and businesses alike. Which means nerds rule the world.

Geeks, nerds, weirdos and now introverts: the timidly extroverted society we live in has always encouraged some odd prejudices towards bookish people. But take Vitalik Buterin. One of the richest and most influential programmers who co-founded Ethereum and takes pride in both his introversion and geeky habits. We’re expecting his ideas to completely transform the economic space for the better. Against all odds, nerds truly make exceptional leaders. And here’s why: 

Geeks are Fond of Listening 

Carl Jung described introverted people as “preferring small groups of people instead of to large groups, and enjoying activities such as writing, reading, and thinking”. They also find pleasure in being quiet and listening to what those around them have to say. This power comes from a remarkably unique ability to hold the tongue and employ a valuable leadership skill, active listening. 

Not only is this important in business circumstances, when clients and customers need to be listened to and acknowledged, but it’s also a significant talent for teamwork and employee engagement. Being willing and able to hear other people’s ideas, nerds or introverts are more likely to solve issues and foster growth. 

Geeks Feel Comfortable in the Shadows 

Instead of attention, which they don’t mind sharing, nerds seek creative aloofness. It’s common that they boast of creativity and are very enthusiastic about their ideas; they never crave glorification, nor do they particularly enjoy it. 

Because of this, businesses always rely on introverted people to retreat to the shows and resume their creative endeavors until they come up with the best solution. In that sense, nerds make admirable business partners or team players. 

Solitude Drives Creative Thinking 

Solitude is an introvert’s chief instrument. Being comfortable working alone is a loud advantage to entrepreneurs, especially at the beginning of a career road. When the unexpected happens, they don’t mind making considerate decisions, even when that implies taking sole responsibility for the after-effects. Solitude feeds the minds and sparks creativity. And all scientific findings hint those exceptional creators are usually introverts. Take Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Clerk Maxwell, who, above anything else, they enjoyed working alone. 

Geeks are Driven, But Humble 

Creating in solitude is easier when you are your own source of motivation and reward. While most people seek external affirmation, nerds are naturally driven, self-sufficient and self-motivated. Unlike employees who take advantage of using time tracking tools to manage projects and meet deadlines, introverts are intrinsically driven and self-sufficient. They rarely need professional guidance or emotional support, as their creativity streams from within. 

Of course, you may still find comfort in using Timesheet Portal software to manage projects and contracts in real-time but having a geek in your team always pays. Having employees with a high level of self-sufficiency eliminates a series of mishaps and distractions that may naturally occur in a business. Not having to wait for someone’s confirmation and approval, introverted employees work towards their goals with sheer commitment and laser focus. All of this adds to their productivity, making them highly efficient as employees or leaders. 

Introverted people make the world spin through their modesty. They seek affirmation from themselves rather than from others, and they’re pleasingly humble. 

The Business World Needs More Geeks 

Companies who try to create an introverted-friendly workplace often say that the most important way to do this is to create a welcoming, friendly business culture that fosters individuality. 

A sure way to get the most out of employees is to allow them to use their unique abilities. For instance, it’s widely known that geeks, especially highly introverted ones, are overwhelmed when placed into a large group. But businesses must ensure that large group meetings aren’t the only method of communication that’s allowed. 

As such, they can implement a series of open channel communication tools such as Slack to give more reserved employees the confidence to contribute when they feel comfortable doing so. 

Secondly, because many introverts are comfortable working alone and require fewer distractions, it pays to have open floor plans with a private workspace that promotes quieter atmospheres. While this can’t always be possible, there’s always an option to work from home or have a conversation in quiet environments. 

Before you go…

One of the disadvantages of being an introverted geek is they often are ignored in the workplace. But leaders and managers scanning their talent base for right-fit promotion opportunities may want to dig a little deeper before making promotion decisions. 

Geeks can be managed and assigned roles where isolation, quiet and complete focus are necessary. Whether it be computer programming or crunching numbers as an accountant, the introvert’s ability to excel through in-depth focus results in measurable results, which makes today’s business world spin and thrive. 


Written by Rob Nelson

Rob is an ecologist from the University of Hawaii. He is the co-creator and director of Untamed Science. His goal is to create videos and content that are entertaining, accurate, and educational. When he's not making science content, he races whitewater kayaks and works on Stone Age Man.

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