How to photograph a cat so that the photo touches not only you

Almost everyone who has a cat sooner or later directs the camera to his pet. That’s why social media feeds are filled with pictures of cats of all breeds and in all poses. However, most photos of these cats are boring and of poor quality. Of course, for you, your cat is the sweetest and most beautiful, you love it from the mustache to the tail. But for your photos to be admired by your subscribers, try to take a more professional approach to shoot a pet. Take these basic tips to up your game.

Taking a picture of a cat is a natural and irresistible desire. After all, these are, first of all, very graceful animals, and the variety of breeds and colors makes each cat unique.

However, successful and even more original pictures are obtained quite rarely. On the one hand, cats are always photogenic, on the other-quite mobile. Even during sleep, an ear or tail can be pulled. Therefore, it is very difficult to catch the right pose. But, as with any other subject, you can get better pictures by following the rules.


It is not forbidden to violate the most important law of composition — the rule of thirds — and place the object in the center of the frame when you want to emphasize the symmetry of the object. With cats, such photos can turn out very beautiful: they often take suitable poses during rest.


The cat should not merge with the background (unless, of course, this is an artistic idea). Therefore, choose a background for shooting that contrasts with the color of the skin. Classic combinations: red cat on blue or green, white — on black, black on red. Pay attention to the fact that the background color emphasizes the color of the cat’s eyes. As a background at home, a white window sill or neutral-colored wallpaper without a pattern is perfect.


Cats in general do not have very expressive facial expressions, but they have very beautiful attention-grabbing eyes. Therefore, you should always focus on the eyes. Pay attention to the difference in the shapes, shades, and conditions of the pupil in different breeds and under different lighting conditions. By the way, if you want the narrow pupil to expand, attract the cat’s attention with something rustling. At the time of the attack, the pupil expands almost to the maximum.

Capture a photo of your favorite animal on a custom portrait.

Animals are like little children – they are just as spontaneous, cute, graceful, or charmingly clumsy, and most importantly – they love us simply for what we are. They need to be taken care of like children, and for this care, they pay us with the most tender love and devotion.

Therefore, it is not surprising that people increasingly want to see a portrait of their beloved pet in their home. It would seem, for what? After all, he is always in front of my eyes. And imagine how great it is, sitting next to your grown-up pet, to admire his “childish” portrait. In addition, animal portraits are incredibly positive and bring joyful emotions not only to the owner but also to all guests who come to your house.

Portraits of animals based on photos are the only way to portrait an animal. After all, it is unlikely that your pet, if it is not a turtle, will agree to pose, no matter how obedient and patient he may be. In addition, “our smaller brothers” grow up and age just likes us, and unfortunately, much fewer people live. Therefore, you have a unique opportunity to leave the memory of your favorite pet by ordering his portrait from a photo.

Choose one or several of your favorite photos of your animal and send their portraits here to the artists and you will find the angle and the expression of your pet’s “face” that most conveys its character. And the work of professionals will make this portrait unforgettable and unique.

Written by Austin Crane

Austin is the principle web director for Untamed Science and Stone Age Man. He is also the web-director of the series for the High School biology, Middle Grades Science and Elementary Science content. When Austin isn't making amazing content for the web, he's out on his mountain bike or in a canoe.

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