Easy Tips to Study Faster

Studying is an essential part of our lives. But it takes too much to learn information. So you always want to watch movies or bet live instead of learning. Want to combine both education and entertainment? Then use these easy tips.

Methods to Speed up the Learning Process

Interval Classes

Studying for long periods of time without interruptions doesn’t help. And it doesn’t help to memorize effectively, either.

So for productive learning, education experts advise studying for 30-50 minutes. And then rest for 5 to 10 minutes. But no more.

Otherwise, the brain will not be able to absorb a lot of material. And then you have to deal with a headache and stress because that’s what happens from information overload.

Take Notes

Handwritten notes allow you to quickly master new knowledge. Students who take notes on a piece of paper are more likely to grasp and recognize important information.

And these students are better at processing and filtering information. But they also understand it better. And they can further explain it in their own words. Not peeking at notes. Although, if necessary, they can look. Notes are useful in this, too.

But here it is more productive to combine several senses simultaneously. For example, I read what I wrote down aloud during notes. And then the probability of memorization will be much higher.

Compressing Information

An effective way to learn and memorize information quickly is to compress it. Compressing the raw data will reduce the time it takes to memorize. Because you won’t have to memorize unnecessary information. After all, it contains no value in itself.

To do this, you don’t need anything fancy. It is recommended to highlight the finished material with markers of different colors. One color will mark the important. And another for the unimportant.

And try to structure your notes. Divide them into blocks and diagrams. Or into tables with charts because it’s easier to organize what you’ve learned in your head.

5 Principles to Memorize Any Information Quickly 

First Principle 

Spark interest and curiosity in learning because interest in learning accelerates the learning process. And it makes it the most productive. That’s why enthusiastic people are always more successful.

After all, interesting things stimulate people to consider the object from different angles. And vivid images are more firmly rooted in the head.

Second Principle

You have to understand what you’re studying because understanding the material being studied is the key to fast learning. After all, reflection awakens logic chains and sequences. And then triggers associations related to the desired information.

Conscious comprehension increases the rate at which knowledge is reinforced. So try to get to the heart of the matter. And then you will understand how to learn quickly.

Third Principle 

Create associations. Because they help to fix in the consciousness the connections with certain objects. Or, for example, with previously acquired knowledge.

And then there is a good chance that the memory also pops up important knowledge. So come up with the clearest associations possible. The more precisely and firmly this linking thread, the easier and more securely the information will stick.

Fourth Principle 

Don’t forget to separate into parts because it is hard to concentrate on a huge flow of information. People begin to confuse and lose control.

It would seem, what’s the big deal? But in fact it hits hard on self-esteem. And the person suddenly begins to seem that he simply does not know how to perceive information. But he isn’t.

And that’s why piecemeal memorization comes into play. Divide the information into small parts. Then the process will go easier and more fun because you will start to see progress.

Fifth Principle 

Put knowledge into practice because practice triggers the process of associative thinking. And it already helps to remember, piece by piece, all the information learned.

Besides, practice connects the thought processes. In general, it combines all the previous points because you need to solve a specific problem with a short deadline. And then you simply can not afford to procrastinate.

But this option suits the most desperate. So go to it only if the previous ones didn’t work. Or if you like to feel challenged.

Written by Rob Nelson

Rob is an ecologist from the University of Hawaii. He is the co-creator and director of Untamed Science. His goal is to create videos and content that are entertaining, accurate, and educational. When he's not making science content, he races whitewater kayaks and works on Stone Age Man.

You can follow Rob Nelson