How Does Your Garden Grow? The Science Behind Plant-Based Nutrition

Gardening is a therapeutic hobby that provides benefits far beyond your harvest. Over 55 percent of homeowners in the United States have a garden, creating an ideal environment for growing fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Having a dedicated space for growing food requires the perfect soil for growth.

Diving into the science of plant-based nutrition is essential to understanding how you get your food for your favorite plant-based recipes. Learning to grow your vegetables at home can eliminate several items on your vegan or vegetarian grocery list.

You can combine the benefits of gardening with the vegan advantages to live a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle, and your journey starts here. Continue reading to learn about the science of plant-based nutrition today!

The Science Behind Plant-Based Nutrition and Gardening

When committing to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, you choose to build your favorite meals around vegetables. You can purchase fresh veggies from a local market or grocery store or grow them at home. Both options have merit, though increasing your veggies brings the benefits of gardening.

If you want to start a garden in your home, it’s best to consider the soil you’ll use. You’ll need soil with abundant life and nutrients to enjoy the perks of a successful garden. It’s also worth looking at the fertilizer you’ll use and the best methods for growing.

Life in Soil

Part of what makes excellent soil is its organic matter. Dead and living organisms, including bugs, bacteria, and fungi, work together to create the ideal conditions for growing vegetables. For the perfect balance, look for soil with 5 percent organic matter.

Organic matter helps the minerals, water, and air produce healthy vegetables for your family to enjoy. As it decomposes, organic matter releases nutrients. The plant roots then consume those nutrients.

Organic Fertilizer

Synthetic fertilizer is appealing because it allows for rapid consumption by the plant’s roots. However, despite the potential benefits, you’re polluting the water in your soil and could cause harm to the whole environment around you.

When growing veggies, it’s best to use organic fertilizer for healthy meal options. Organic fertilizer releases nutrients at the perfect rate for plants and vegetables to absorb.

You can also enjoy peace of mind when using organic fertilizer. Using too much synthetic fertilizer risks burning plants, but the same risk is minimized with organic fertilizer.

Benefits of Gardening

Starting a new hobby is a fantastic way to discover something you’re passionate about. Gardening is an excellent option to grow closer to nature while enjoying healthy produce. It’s a path toward boosting your confidence and gaining skills to become self-sufficient.

Here’s a look at what you’ll gain when you start a garden at your home.

1. Build Self-Esteem

Few people are born with a green thumb. Most successful gardeners started in the same place you’re in. The best way to hone your skills and gain confidence is through doing.

After a few weeks of gaining experience, you’ll see a more confident person in the mirror. The confidence will continue growing as you harvest your first vegetables. You’ll feel more connected with the earth and enjoy healthy meal options from your garden.

2. Improved Health

Starting and maintaining a garden requires physical labor. You’ll need to dig holes to plant seeds for your vegetables, till and manage the soil, and remove any weeds growing around your plot of carrots, lettuce, or peppers.

The physical labor involved in managing the soil for your garden will benefit your health. It’s an excellent option for working your cardiovascular system. You’ll enjoy quality time spent outside with the fulfillment of harvesting the vegetables you grew for your favorite plant-based recipes.

3. Stress Reduction

Your vegetable garden will also become a sanctuary to reduce stress and find gratitude. You can put your mind toward the task at hand instead of thinking about other issues.

Watching your vegetables begin growing and thriving will emphasize life and positivity. It’s a path toward happiness while also investing in your health.

4. Healthy Meal Options

Sourcing fresh vegetables from your garden ensures you have the ingredients you’ll need for plant-based nutrition. You can supplement what you grow in your garden with food options from this garden-to-table meal service.

Finding recipes that use vegetables will help you enjoy the health advantages of veganism. You can walk into your backyard and find organic vegetables grown from organic matter soil.

What Are the Vegan Advantages?

Choosing a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle is an excellent way to promote health. Learning the science behind plant-based nutrition and growing a garden can help you harness those advantages from home. The health benefits are reason enough to consider the vegan advantage you’ll enjoy.

Take a look at some perks that come with the benefits of gardening and healthy meal options.

Supports Weight Loss

A plant-based diet is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. It increases dietary fiber intake while lowering energy and fat intake. The fiber will ensure you feel fuller after eating your favorite plant-based recipes.

Lower Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is an issue for millions of people in the United States, and much of it is related to diet. One of the vegan advantages is healthier blood pressure. A vegan diet can help you lower the risk of cardiac arrest and other health complications.

Help With Inflammation

The foods you eat can cause inflammation and chronic pain in your body. Eating items from your vegetarian grocery list will provide your body with antioxidants to reduce inflammation.

Consider using plant-based nutrition to combat different forms of arthritis. The foods you eat can help you resume a healthy and active lifestyle.

Indulge in Plant-Based Nutrition Today

Your diet significantly impacts your overall health, and you can ensure a healthy body and mind by learning about gardening and plant-based nutrition. When starting a garden, choose a soil with 5 percent organic matter.

You’ll enjoy access to items on your vegetarian grocery list for plant-based recipes. It’s also an excellent way to promote health and weight loss.

Gardening and clean eating provide a road map to a fulfilling life. Check out our blog content for more inspiration and ideas on enhancing your health and diet today!

Written by Austin Crane

Austin is the principle web director for Untamed Science and Stone Age Man. He is also the web-director of the series for the High School biology, Middle Grades Science and Elementary Science content. When Austin isn't making amazing content for the web, he's out on his mountain bike or in a canoe.

You can follow Austin Crane