Memorize More & Faster: 8 Science-Backed Studying Techniques

The secret to success is not always putting in long hours of hard work. At times you have to be smart about completing a task, even for studying. So if, as students, you have been cramming and all-nighters to jumpstart your GPA, then you might want to continue reading this article. 

Students’ performance is determined by numerous factors other than learning hours. This research on academic achievement indicates that the peers, social interactions, type of learning all contribute to one’s grades. However, students are often unaware of many effective learning techniques.

In this article, we are going to discuss a few of the research-supported and evidence-based learning methods that can help you transform the learning activity. 

Less Time, More Focus 

In our fast-paced world, where anyone is continuously bombarded with notifications, multitasking is the habit that needs cultivating the most.

Over the years, many pieces of research looked into the effect of how multitasking undermines productivity. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance emphasizes how multitasking could lead to less efficiency. If you entertain or even enjoy the activity, try to focus solely on one task. It could reduce the distractions and allow you to focus on high intensity for shorter times, leading to more efficiency and quality at the same time. 

Space Out Study Sessions 

Students often tend to procrastinate studying, only to end up having to cram or miss deadlines. Nowadays, there are several ways for one to get extraordinary help with academic essays to complete assignments asap. However, cramming only for a day might not work well if you are preparing for some tests. 

In a 2009 study by Nate Kornell, the author discusses how spaced study sessions can be more effective than cramming. 

Spacing out study sessions has proved to have more satisfactory results and improve long-term memory. Researcher claims that coming back to a subject could help one jog the mind to boost the process of cementing the knowledge. 

Revise Current Techniques

Many studies support the idea that the more students are looking to understanding concepts, the better they will succeed in learning it. To be more precise, the right term is metacognition, which is now a commonly used phrase in educational circles. 

The concept is categorized into two phases. The first is knowledge, where a student becomes aware of one’s cognitive abilities, and the next step is categorizing it. 

Metacognition is an approach that students can apply in the very first stages of studying any subject. It is often similar to asking questions to yourself, such as why you do not understand a particular material and what to do to make it more comprehensible. The notion would help one grasp concepts better than memorizing data for no reason. 

Mix the Subjects

While multitasking might not always prove beneficial, studies show that switching between different subjects can increase productivity. At least, it will do more good than spending too much time on mastering one particular topic. 

In the research on interleaving subjects, it was observed that mixing them up is much similar to the spacing technique. The key is learning, forgetting, and relearning to reinforce memory. 

It is recommended to choose different topics on the same subject or at least some related fields. This way, the brain will find some connections allowing you to notice the similarities and differences among the various aspects you try to learn. This will further promote a more in-depth understanding of the material. 

Teach Your Peers

Peer teaching is considered a learning strategy by many in the academic circles. Expecting to teach others or your fellow students encourages one to study the material and reinforce it to be able to convey the information to another person effectively. 

This research on the impact of peer tutoring on learning of students discusses the different methods students can implement while tutoring. It could be reciprocal, class-wide, or cross-age tacts, each with its own opportunities. 

It might not be a surprise that students are already practicing all the approaches in one way or the other in terms of group study sessions. 


These days, paraphrasing is associated with writing alone. Nevertheless, it is a learning technique that could be used to get the hang of different concepts. It is an essential skill, especially for language learning, to develop communication and increase the existing knowledge. 

Judy Alden, an experienced teacher, notes that paraphrasing should be a core strategy of language teachers. 

If you apply the same thought to studying other subjects, it is easy to circle back to the first point where cognitive psychology has established students to teach themselves better. 

Paraphrasing can help a student to perform better in exams and strengthen their vocabularies. 

Opt for Mind Mapping

There are numerous learning tools available on the web with a focus on mind mapping. Essentially, it is a graphic way of representing information that helps to structure, analyze, and comprehend better. 

Nobel prize winner Roger Sperry’s research on mind mapping claims that visual forms of learning are superior to traditional note-taking. 

Though not a fairly new idea, when it comes to individual learning activities, visual forms are not always students’ favorites. According to Sperry, visual learning can boost the coordination of skills processed by two different hemispheres of the brain, helping to perform complex tasks faster. 

Test Yourself 

There is a reason why taking sample tests help a student perform better in exams. The retrieval practices of learning encourage learners to create test questions by themselves to comprehend a new concept better.

With the help of such self-quizzes, students familiarize themselves with the test style and prepare more efficiently. 

Wrapping Up

Many of these techniques might seem like a hard route for students. However, if you find yourself tired after a study session, it might be time to revisit the method. 

You may choose something else on the list and decide what is suitable for you to achieve better results.

Written by Elizabeth Price

Elizabeth Price is a freelance writer interested in education, marketing, and business-related topics. A former Psychology student of Montclair State University, she is still an active learner eager to research almost any topic. You can reach her on Twitter or drop her a letter to

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