Powering Up in the Desert: The Rise of Electric Vehicles Among Dubai’s Youth

The market for electric vehicles continues to grow amid a global shift towards energy conservation, and EVs are especially popular among Generation Z. According to research from Markets and Markets, the value of the global EV market is expected to hit nearly $952 billion by 2030, from an estimated $388 billion in 2023, growing at a compound annual rate of 13.7 percent. 

The youth of one of the most progressive cities in the world, Dubai, are showing a growing interest in purchasing electric vehicles, and this trend is predicted to surpass the European one, as shown by the new study. A Bloomberg Intelligence study found that about one in five young residents of UAE or 19% plan to buy an electric car in the next 12 months, compared with 16% in Europe. After all, car repair services and infrastructure are so developed today. Let’s look into other key factors explaining why EVs are so popular among modern youth today and what their prospects in the future are.

Why Are Generation Z and Millennials Choosing Electric Vehicles?

Electric cars are cutting-edge and innovative, which naturally appeals to the younger generation and those working in service centers. Plus, Gen Z is the first group of digital natives, which makes the appeal of these cars even stronger. Beyond the cool technological features, the environmental and economic benefits of owning an electric vehicle are resonating with younger customers. Below are the main factors that make EVs much more attractive than ICE cars.

#1 — Climate Impact

Younger generations are increasingly concerned with social justice and are willing to pay more for things that reflect their values. They are aware of the serious consequences of climate change and prioritize avoiding gas-powered automobiles in order to limit their carbon footprint. According to Deloitte research, six out of ten millennials and Gen Zers are willing to pay extra for environmentally friendly goods and services; they also treat timely car repair as a guarantee of their safety.

One of the most effective ways individuals can take to mitigate climate change is to switch to an electric vehicle and check it regularly at a car workshop. By switching from gas to electric vehicles, local residents will be able to lower total UAE carbon emissions by more than 22%. Reduced climate effect by 22% is a price worth paying for a sustainable Earth for Generation Z and millennials.

#2 — Reduced Operating Costs

Although electric vehicles may be priced higher than gas-powered vehicles at the time of purchase, progressive youngsters are attracted to the long-term financial benefits of owning an electric vehicle and maintaining its good condition at a car repairing service. By switching from an internal combustion engine to an electric vehicle, the average EV owner can save up to 3,000 dirhams a year on gas, oil changes, and other supplies.

#3 — Significant Incentives

In Dubai and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the government is making it really attractive for people to drive electric cars, guarding the wheels of the future. They’re giving out some cool perks like lower registration fees, free parking, a toll-free gate pass, and even free charging at public charging stations run by the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA). If you own an electric vehicle licensed in Dubai, you won’t have to pay for public parking for two years starting from July 1, 2020. And if you’re part of the DEWA EV Green Charger Initiative, you get to charge your electric vehicle for free.

Final Words

The transition from ICEs to EVs is rapidly accelerating due to growing demand, especially among younger people. Experts predict that the growth of electric vehicles will continue exponentially in the coming years, so the number of car electrical repair services will increase as well. As with the advent of smartphones, they were initially expensive compared to feature phones, but then, once demand and adoption reached a certain point, mass production and competition allowed prices to fall, making them ubiquitous. This scenario is expected to be realized for electric vehicles. So it’s likely that electric cars will become more affordable, and their batteries will have more charge and charge faster, making them as commonplace as smartphones are today. After all, you can always order a car electrical repair to keep it in good condition.

Written by Austin Crane

Austin is the principle web director for Untamed Science and Stone Age Man. He is also the web-director of the series for the High School biology, Middle Grades Science and Elementary Science content. When Austin isn't making amazing content for the web, he's out on his mountain bike or in a canoe.

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