Family Hydrocharitaceae: The Frog Bits
Hydrocharitaceae is a plant family that includes a number of aquatic plant species, broadly called the Tape-grasses, and includes the well known Canadian Waterweed, Frog’s Bit, Elodea, Hydrilla, and Egeria.
The family includes both fresh and marine aquatics. They are found throughout the world in a wide variety of habitats, but most are primarily tropical.
The following genera are usually included in the Hydrocharitaceae.
- Apalanthe
- Appertiella
- Blyxa
- Egeria
- Elodea
- Enhalus
- Halophila
- Hydrilla
- Hydrocharis
- Lagarosiphon
- Limnobium
- Maidenia
- Najas
- Nechamandra
- Ottelia
- Stratiotes
- Thalassia
- Vallisneria