5 Easy Tie-Ins to Create to Build Buzz Around Your Science Film

Congratulations on your new science film. Undoubtedly, it will be an exciting, captivating, and informative watch. 

The biggest task, however, will be promoting your project and getting as many people as possible to watch it. If that’s what you are looking for, worry not, as this article will provide you with five quick and easy ways to create buzz around your science film.

Organize a Contest or Giveaway 

Contests and giveaways are an exhilarating way to promote your film and encourage interaction among your followers. They are also cost-effective for getting the word out about your work and generating valuable leads for future projects. 

You can create contests on your website or social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Incredible giveaways for your film could include free tickets to a local screening or event, free digital copies, or other products related to the film’s subject matter. 

When creating contests and giveaways, have a clear set of entrants’ requirements. Also, remember to communicate the prizes the winners will receive and the events’ duration. 

Host a Science Film Screening Event

A film screening event is a unique way to introduce your film to a larger audience and spark discussion around its subject matter. It is also a great way to network with other filmmakers and creative professionals in your area. 

However, to make your film screening successful, you must plan and market your event on time, so people know when and where it will happen. Social media, posters, flyers, or even word of mouth are among the most effective ways to market your event. 

Additionally, you can create a unique theme and try to make the event fun and memorable for everyone who attends. One ideal way to achieve this is by hosting question-and-answer sessions after the screening. 

Create a Comic from Photos

Visual humor is much more memorable than words when you want to get people talking and encourage them to share your work. So, if you have photos of your science film project in action, you can create a comic from them and share it with your audience. 

An excellent way to turn your favorite photos into a comic is by using image editing software, such as BeFunky Photo Editor. Most such photo editing tools provide easy step-by-step instructions for creating a photo comic. So, don’t be scared if you have no graphic design experience.

Reach Out to Influencers in Your Niche

Influencer marketing is a powerful way for businesses to reach new audiences. This marketing strategy involves identifying influential individuals and using their large following, usually at a fee, to push your brand or product. 

Therefore, if you are looking for an easy way to increase awareness about your science movie, reach out to an influencer(s) in your niche and tell them about your project. If they find it interesting, they will probably share it on their social media accounts, helping you gain more exposure. 

Share Your Film on Social Media 

With over 4.5 billion users globally, social media has become one of the most effective ways to promote projects and expand audiences. You, too, can harness its power by sharing your work and linking with like-minded people in your industry. 

If you have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or any other social media platform accounts, create your own hashtags and write posts that promote your film. Remember to include the link to your film in your posts and encourage your followers to share it. 

You will want to understand how each social media platform works and adapt your messaging strategy accordingly for a more fruitful outcome. For example, when using Instagram, focus on visual elements such as stunning pictures and trailers of your film to get people’s attention. 


Written by Austin Crane

Austin is the principle web director for Untamed Science and Stone Age Man. He is also the web-director of the series for the High School biology, Middle Grades Science and Elementary Science content. When Austin isn't making amazing content for the web, he's out on his mountain bike or in a canoe.

You can follow Austin Crane