Why Send Your Child to a STEM School?

Most parents understand just how important education is, which is why they send their children to school as soon as they can. While traditional elementary, middle, and high schools are more than satisfactory for most children’s needs, there can undoubtedly be value in learning more about STEM schools to see if they can set your children up for success in today’s advanced world. 

STEM schools emphasize science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to ensure children learn the real-world importance of these subjects. If you’re not yet convinced that a STEM school is suitable for your children, consider the following potential benefits. 

Practical Applications for their Learning

Many traditional schools focus on the objective side of academics. There’s an emphasis on learning concepts but not always so much on the practical, real-world application of those concepts. That’s where a STEM school can often differ. 

Children learn math, science, engineering, and math, with real-world scenarios. They are taught to problem-solve, devise solutions to real problems, and develop their critical thinking abilities. This can set them up for success in their chosen career. In contrast, children attending traditional schools can understand the concepts of issues, but they often must work even harder in adulthood to apply them to the real-life situations they encounter. 

Broadening their Career Horizons

Technology has made the world smaller than ever before, and many children dream about exploring and working outside the country in which they were born and raised. However, many schools can be so focused on country-specific curriculums and activities that children may not be globally competitive in the future. When attending a STEM school, that can change. As technology, math, engineering, and science are reasonably similar throughout the world, they can apply what they learn in a STEM school to a job in nearly any country. 

Building Resilience

Failure is often seen as a negative outcome, especially as it means that you haven’t succeeded in what you set out to do. In a STEM school, failure is seen as a learning exercise. STEM schools provide safe environments for failing, problem-solving, and trying again. They embrace failure as part of the learning process rather than a negative outcome. As children are taught to keep trying, they can build confidence and resilience that might set them up for future success. 

Encouraging Tech Use

Many parents can worry about giving their children too much ‘tech time,’ especially if they want them to spend more time outside or doing other things. While balance is necessary, STEM schools encourage children to learn about new technologies and innovations to set them up for success in our tech-centered world. 

It’s only natural to be fearful about technological advancements you don’t understand, but with many jobs in today’s age heavily revolving around technology, learning more about it can be crucial for ensuring your children have the tech skills they need to enter nearly any job. 

Knowing which school to send your child to can be a daunting prospect, especially if you’ve never considered alternative forms of education before. However, with the potential to set your children up for life-long success, there’s every reason to learn more about STEM schools and see if they’re right for your family

Written by Austin Crane

Austin is the principle web director for Untamed Science and Stone Age Man. He is also the web-director of the series for the High School biology, Middle Grades Science and Elementary Science content. When Austin isn't making amazing content for the web, he's out on his mountain bike or in a canoe.

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