Green - A Rainforest Conservation Video
Green was the best in show at the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival. You must watch this film:
The film was made by filmmaker Patrick Rouxel, a frenchman who spent considerable time in Borneo to make this amazing film. The story of the destruction of the rainforest is told through the eyes of a young orangatan. There is no narration, so the audience is left to make up their own mind about the subject.
The main cause of rainforest destruction in Borneo is oil palm plantations. Jonas Stenstrom, one of our crew, recently traveled to the the same region that the film was shot in. He describes the view out the window of the airplane as nothing but fields and fields of oil palm plantations.
So what do we do? The first step would be to not buy products that contain oil palm. This is increasing difficult as lots and lots of the food we eat has oil palm oil in it. The second step would be to buy as much of your food locally as possible. This way you know exactly where it is coming from.
For more information go to the official Green website at: