Writer and collaborator Untamed Science

Kirstynn was born in the North, quite north, in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada. She lived there until she was about 9 years old, when she moved to Alberta, Canada. In 2014 she moved to Calgary and 4 years later graduated with a bachelors in Ecology from The University of Calgary. During her time there, she completed an honours thesis on bumblebee flight energetics and spent 6 weeks at The Bamfield Marine Science Center studying and completing a project on predicting the spawn times of Pacific Herring.
The summer after graduating she moved to Ecuador with her now-husband, Francisco. There, she has studied Spanish, worked on projects in an entomology lab at PUCE University, and little by little explored as much of the country as she can, seeking out neat critters and beautiful landscapes.

Becoming a Science Communicator
Since she was very young, she has always been all about nature, and learning and sharing facts about interesting creatures. That love of the wild hasn’t changed, but with a degree behind her and some pretty cool experiences, she hopes that she can help to educate a large range of people about biology and conservation.

Kirstynn currently writes science blogs and species profiles for Untamed Science. Here are a few examples:

- Is Natural History Really Dying?
- Why Are Rose Hips SO Good For You? The Science of Antioxidants
- How do ants sting and why do fire ant stings hurt?
- How to have a smaller impact on our small pond wildlife
- Cave Biology 101
- The Stimulating Science of Animal Enrichment
- The Science of Compost
- Are Polar Bears Really Going Extinct?
Species profiles

Additionally, she is working on revamping the World Biomes website, and has written the following biome pages:
- Deserts
- Polar Ice Caps
- Tropical Rainforest
- Tropical Savanna
- Arctic Tundra
- Alpine Tundra
- The Boreal Forest
- The Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Chapparal
Social Media
Kirstynn sees social media as a new and exciting tool to get people interested in flora, fauna, and protecting the wild, and loves to share all of the awesome things she finds with the world. With a heavier focus on Instagram, she is developing her Science Communication skills (and her photography) through these mediums. Check it out:
- IG: @kirstynnojoseph
- Twitter: @JosephKirstynn
- Youtube: Kirstynn Joseph